Kuroko No Basuke versus Slam Dunk Anime is the latest addition to the NBA 2K14 mod series by Medevenx. This mod is based on the anime/manga series of the same title.Final Update Released: -vs-slamdunk.htmlScreenshotsThe NBA 2K14 roster file consists of a total of 30 teams from Kuroko No Basket and Slam Dunk anime. The latest Interhigh update adds all missing teams and now allows you to play MyCareer mode! Check out all the teams below..kuroko,.kurokos ulmarign:0;list-style-type:disc;width:100%;overflow:hidden.kurokos lifloat:left;width:50%.kuroko lifloat:left;width:33%hrborder:0;background:#bbb;height:1px15 Kuroko TeamsSeirin
Fukuda Sogo
Kirisaki Dai Ichi
Nakamiya South
15 Slam Dunk TeamsShohoku
Bonus Special TeamsJapanese National Team
Team Jabberwock
Team Strky
Team Vorpal Swords
Teiko Junior High (3 yrs ago)
Teiko Junior High (2 yrs ago)
Meiko Junior High (1 yr ago)
Teiko Junior High (1 yr ago)
Kirisaki Daichi High (1 yr ago)
Seirin High (1 yr ago)
Tomigaoka Junior High (1 yr ago).
Almost every character/player from Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3 rosters were added on their respective teams.ChangelogV1.0 Interhigh UpdateApril 10, 2015- New cyberfaces, portraits, 1 new special team, and 8 teams added from Interhigh to complete all 30 teams.- Kuroko V Slam Dunk has the Kuroko No Basuke side taking over the Western Conference as the Winter Cup, and the Slam Dunk side taking over the Eastern Conference as the Interhigh Championship.- The Finals is now labeled as the Japanese High School Basketball Nationals.- Draft Projection allows you to be drafted by all of the teams, ranking the teams alternately between Kuroko No Basuke teams and Slam Dunk teams. That means the #1 pick belongs to Seirin, the #2 pick belongs to Shohoku, etc.- MyCareer Mode has you playing in Tomigaoka Junior High alongside Kaede Rukawa and Ichiro Mizusawa, against the legendary Teiko Junior High comprised of the Generation of Miracles and Tetsuya Kuroko in the Japanese Junior High National Championship, replacing the Rookie Showcase.Download LinksBelow are the files that you need in order to make this NBA 2K14 mod fully functional.Rosters and Sliders Appdata FilesThis file contains the necessary roster and sliders files. It includes 2 versions of the settings: Hall of Fame and All-Star.Main Directory/Game Folder Files Full Pack: DownloadOR By Parts: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4Logos Files DownloadOptional Files DownloadPortrait File (Players Pictures) Universal Portrait Mod v3.7Animations Mod Universal Portrait Mod v3.7How to InstallStep 1: Create a backup of the whole NBA 2K14 folder located at Program Files > 2K Sports. Make sure the game isn't running.Step 2: Download ;the Appdata Files, ;Main Directory/Game Folder Files, ;Portrait File and Logos File.Step 3: Once you've finished downloading the files, extract them using WinRAR or 7-zip program.Step 4: First, we need to the install the Appdata Files which contains the rosters and sliders. Open Roster folder and copy the three Kuroko no Basuke.ROS files and paste into your Saves folder (NOT Program Files/2K Sports/NBA 2K14). Do the same for the .STG files located inside the Gameplay Sliders folder.NOTE: To find your Saves folder, click the Windows Start Button and search for the "Run" program or press Windows Key + R.Type in "%AppData%" and press Enter. Go to 2K Sports > NBA 2K14 > Saves.Step 5: Now we need to install the Main Directory/Game Folder Files. If you downloaded the Full Pack, you should see 3 folders inside: Jerseys, Cyberfaces and Courts. All of their contents (not the folders) must be copied into ;Program Files/2K Sports/NBA 2K14. Most of these files have .iff extension. Once again, do NOT copy the whole folder, just the files inside.Main Directory/Game Folder location: Windows 32bit - C:\Program Files\2K Sports\NBA 2K14 Windows 64bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Sports\NBA 2K14Step 6: Portrait and Logo files must also be copied into Program Files/2K Sports/NBA 2K14. Same as Step 5.Step 7: Finally start NBA 2K14 then go to options > load/save > load > Kuroko roster. Play exhibition games and you should be able to see Kuroko No Basket and Slam Dunk teams from the team selection menu.Frequently Asked QuestionsIs there a Kuroko V Slam Dunk mod for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 or Xbox One? Kuroko V Slam Dunk is exclusive for NBA 2K14 on PC only. It is not available on any other platform.Will there be Kuroko V Slam Dunk for NBA 2K16 on PC? ; No, modding for NBA 2K16 right now is very limited. Also, I personally do not have a copy of NBA 2K16.Is Kuroko V Slam Dunk compatible with other NBA 2K14 mods? It's only compatible with Med's NBA Roster, PBA 2K14 and FIBA 2K14.Why I am seeing blank jerseys/black courts/missing heads in my game? ; You are most likely missing some cyberfaces/courts/jerseys or you messed up Step 5. Make sure you have all the files and install them properly. Copy the files not the whole folder.CreatorsMedevenx - Rosters, Jerseys, Floors
J-Paul - Animations, Consultation
KoroX - Cyberfaces
Seushir0 - Cyberfaces
WarStomp32 - Presentation Files
JaoSming - Stadiums & Floors
Kuroko vs Slam Dunk is a free, fan-made add-on for the PC version of NBA 2K14. This is a PC modification created for fans of the Kuroko No Basuke & Slam Dunk manga/anime, 2K Sports games, and PC video gaming.
Download File: https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fmiimms.com%2F2uc8Ii&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AOvVaw0XtQeglT-iSBjjHQE_BQEt